Don't panic if you have stocks with good performance and prices don't rise. It will go up sooner or later. Just have tea and watch a play. Over and over again, you will get up before you know it.Last night's resumption gave you a reference point, and the pressure support level was quite accurate. The picture drawn during the lunch break at noon basically matches the trend. It's perfect that the pressure of participating talents is anti-aircraft guns around 3420 and low suction around 3380. Tomorrow Tuesday, the volume of Dayang line will rise sharply, with a daily limit of 1,000 shares. The long and short sides compete for 3500 points again to see if the bulls can win 3600 points in one fell swoop. Step on 3500 points. China Red is still worth looking forward to.
Science and technology-new quality generation, new energy, military industry, special evaluation, big finance, medicine and medical care, should be good.The pressure level is around 2400;Preface:
Preface:2. The income is directly proportional to the risk, and the greater the income, the higher the risk. There are no exceptions.Re-offer on the same day: